Track 1: Neurological Disorders A neurological issue is any turmoil of the sensory system. Basic, biochemical or electrical irregularities in the mind, spinal line or different nerves can bring about a scope of manifestations. Cases of manifestations incorporate loss of motion, muscle shortcoming, poor coordination, and loss of sensation, seizures, perplexity, torment and adjusted levels of cognizance. https://stroke.global-summit.com/events-list/neurological-disorders Please find the conference details : 5th International Conference on Neurological Disorders & Stroke May 20-21, 2019 Osaka, Japan 08:00 am to 06:00 pm Theme: Developing trends and Modern Diagnosis in stroke treatment & prevention STROKE-2019 Hotel name : Hyatt Regency Osaka Chome-13-11 Nankokita Suminoe Ward, https://stroke.global-s...